Faith Formation

Daily Bible Readings

Linda Heydt, Administrative Assistant 

Contact: 507.263.2578 ext 10


Please note: If your child(ren) are home-schooled, please complete a faith formation registration form. Curriculum will need to be approved by the pastor.


Faith Formation Calendars for Year 2024/2025

Faith Formation Handbook 2024/2025

Download a paper Faith Formation registration form here.

Make Payment Here




For Families not attending St. Pius V’s program and wish to prepare their child(ren) to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist - 


  • If your child(ren) are home-schooled or attend Catholic School and would like to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist at St. Pius V this year, you must fill out the Faith Formation Registration Form.
  • Curriculum will need to be approved by Faith Formation Director or pastor. (You can purchase the materials from St. Pius V if necessary.)
  • Return form to the office.

Please note: Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation must be completed through a parish-run two year program. If you wish to attend St. Pius V’s program (which meets on Wednesday nights), then you must submit a Faith Formation Registration form. If you have questions, please contact the Faith Formation Director.  Click here for Confirmation requirements.



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